The fight against epidemic diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Influenza, tubercuosis, etc. requires a team effort; without it little can be done; it is important for employees, professionals and activists to consider this point.
There are many ways to join us. You can be a donor or a partner; you can be a doctor or a medical student; you can be a volunteer or a person who would like to work as part of our team. You do not even have to be rich or a genius. You do not have to have all the time in the world, nor any particular quality; only one thing unites us all here: the mood to help in the best way that we are able to do it.
To your right (in orange) you can find different options you have to join us; we are sure some of them will fit your convenience; just click over the title.

Calle Dr. Piñeyro 211
Santo Domingo, D.N.
(809) 535 – 2220
(829) 960-6020
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