Prophylaxis POST Exposition
Aimed at those who may have been exposed: persons in the health sector, those having sexual contact voluntarily or by rape, or by reusing hypodermic needles.
24 hours 7 days of the week, including holidays
(829) 960-6020
Prophylaxis PRE Exposition
You can consult us about the latest news about pre-exposure therapies contacting IDEV by telephone or through the E-mail box right here on this page.
24 hours 7 days of the week, including holidays
(829) 960-6020
The ability to prevent HIV infection has been under study since the disease began and medicines became available. Today studies have shown that if exposed and the person starts treatment in less than 36 hours, the chance of infection is greatly reduced. At the same time, recently the use of antiretrovirals has shown a protective effect in female sex workers who do not always use condoms.
IDEV offers counseling and treatment to all who have been exposed, either on the job (ie health care workers) or contact sexually (voluntarily or through rape). The emergency number was actually conceived as a way to give immediate attention to those in need of such a service.
Calle Dr. Piñeyro 211
Santo Domingo, D.N.
(809) 535 – 2220
(829) 960-6020
Correo electrónico;